#3370 Ralph Raymond Andregg ( Orpha BoyerMary Ann KnepperSimon KnepperJohn Jacob "Jacob" KnepperHans Peter KnepperHans Peter KnepperHans Peter KnepperTilmann Knepper )

Ralph was born 20 Sep 1900 in Violet Twp. He died 31 Dec 1958.

The name and birth date here are as given in [Wig] in the Knepper descent of Orpha. [Mercy II-99] gives his name as Ralph Boyer Andregg and the birth date as 12 Jul 1901.

He had no children.

Ralph (relationship status suppressed while one person possibly living) #1933 Marie Blizzard.

(Information suppressed while possibly living)

Clifford T. Wig & Dorothy H. Wig, The Knepper Family Tree, (unpublished, Apr 1997). Ref. as [Wig].

Dorothy Hallarn Mercy, Mechlin Mechling Macklin - Descendants of Theobald Mechling, 1728-1998, Volume II-John Peter Mechling, (Butler, PA: Mechling Associates, 1999). Ref. as [Mercy II-99].

Line Generation: 9

Relationship: Sixth Cousins Two Times Removed through Hans Peter Knepper