[M] #11005 John Jacob Mechling ( William MechlingWilliam Sylvester MechlingWilliam MechlingJohn MechlingJohn Jacob MechlingDiebold "Theobald" MechlingDiebold MechlingMartin Mechling )

John was born 28 Sep 1926 in Dayton, Armstrong Co., Pennsylvania. He died 17 Oct 1973 in Anchorage, Alaska. He was buried in Circle Hill Cemetery, Punxsutawney, Jefferson Co., Pennsyvlania.

The Social Security Death Index gives the year of his birth as 1927; the date shown here is from his grave marker.

John (relationship status suppressed while one person possibly living) #14433 Living.

(Information suppressed while possibly living)

Children of this relationship:


Caral Mechling Bennett, email to Tad Deffler, dated: 2 Feb 2011.

Dorothy Hallarn Mercy, Mechlin Mechling Macklin - Descendants of Theobald Mechling, Volume III-John Jacob Mechling, (Butler, PA: Mechling Associates, 1996). Ref. as [Mercy III-96].

Find-A-Grave, https://www.findagrave.com, #57701743, John Jacob Mechling.

Line Generation: 9

Relationship: Fifth Cousins Two Times Removed through Diebold "Theobald" Mechling