[F] #42971 Maxine Mechling ( George Jonas MechlingGeorge MechlingPhilip Jonas MechlingPhilip MechlingDiebold "Theobald" MechlingDiebold MechlingMartin Mechling )

Maxine was born 29 Nov 1915 in Oklahoma. She died 13 Sep 1971.

According to the city directory of Oklahoma City, she was a student at Blackwood-Davis Business College in 1936. In 1941 she was a student nurse.

Bill Korstick, email to Tad Deffler, dated: 29 Jul 2013.

Dorothy Hallarn Mercy, Mechlin Mechling Macklin - Descendants of Theobald Mechling, 1728-2000, Volume VI - Philip Mechling, (Butler, PA: Mechling Associates, 2000). Ref. as [Mercy VI-00].

Line Generation: 8

Relationship: Fourth Cousins Three Times Removed through Diebold "Theobald" Mechling