[F] #64347 Joan Lynch ( Rose Leone "Lee" GeigerJoseph Edmund "Ed" GeigerBenjamin Turney GeigerEsther TurneyAnna Elizabeth MechlingJohn Theobald "Dewalt" MechlingDiebold "Theobald" MechlingDiebold MechlingMartin Mechling )

Other names for Joan: Joan Lynch Badman.

Joan died 14 Dec 2011 in Felton, Delaware.

Joan (relationship status suppressed while one person possibly living) first #64366 Living.

(Information suppressed while possibly living)

Children of this relationship:


Joan (relationship status suppressed while one person possibly living) second #64350 Living.

(Information suppressed while possibly living)

Children of this relationship:


JillAnne McCarty, email to Tad Deffler, dated: 2 Mar 2013.

JillAnne McCarty, email to Tad Deffler, dated: 8 Mar 2013.

Line Generation: 10

Relationship: Fifth Cousins One Times Removed through John Theobald "Dewalt" Mechling